Dan Examination

Dan / National Qualifications, 11 October 2014

Dear JSKA members

The following events are extremely important for all JSKA South Africa members:

A.  Saturday, 11 October 2014: Dan Grading / National Qualifications Seminar

(Centurion Dojo 09:00 to 13:00 – R300 training fee)

JSKA Dan Grading Seminar

All levels of examination will be trained as well as choice of individual Kata

JSKA National Qualification

Please allow me to clarify the awarding of National Qualifications:

  • It is the intent of JSKA South Africa to align with the JSKA World Federation lead by Keigo Abe sensei. JSKA South Africa will in future award licenses to teach, examine or judge under the JSKA South Africa banner. Such qualifications will be awarded annually at the Dan examinations held in Pretoria and PE.
  • In only 2014, all examinees to be awarded any of the grades based on performance at the grading. All future qualifications will only be awarded based on previous awards.

Judge DD Tournament Official -16 years Junior Brown+
Judge D Tournement Official – 3rd Kyu+
Judge C Judge – 1st Dan+
Judge B Centre Judge – 2nd Dan+
Judge A Kansa – 3rd Dan+

Examiner DD Assistant Examiner -16 years Junior Brown+
Examiner D Assistant Examiner – 3rd Kyu
Examiner C Examiner – 1st Dan – 2nd Dan
Examiner B Supervisor (panel) 3rd Dan – 4th Dan
Examiner A Signatory (Grading) 5th Dan+

Instructor DD Assistant Instructor -16 years Junior Brown+
Instructor D Assistant Instructor- 3rd Kyu
Instructor C Instructor 1st Dan – 2nd Dan
Instructor B DojoOwner 3rd Dan – 4th Dan
Instructor A Area Head 5th Dan+

Preparation for examination will include:
Judge – JSKA Tournament Rules (A questionnaire on JSKA Rules (true / false) plus knowledge of signals)

Examiner – JSKA Examination Dan / Kyu Evaluation Document (JSKA South Africa Examination Document completed)

Instructor – JSKA Syllabus (JSKA Syllabus plus ability to teach basic technique)

B.  Saturday, 18 October 2014

JSKA Kyu Grading Seminar

– Centurion Dojo 09:00 to 11:00 – R100 training fee

– All levels of Kyu grades will be coached plus personal Kata taught and examined


C.  24 / 25 October 2014

Dan Grading / National Qualifications Examinations / Standardizations Gashuku

– Centurion Dojo Friday – 16:00 Saturday – 09:00

Dan Grading (Japan accreditation included)

  • Shodan     R1050
  • Nidan        R1250
  • Sandan     R1550
  • Yondan     R2150
  • Godan      R2850

National Qualification (Certification included)

  • Judge          R300
  • Examiner   R300
  • Instructor  R300


Standardizations Gashuku

  • Training fee R300 per person

D.  Saturday, 1 November 2014

Dan Grading / National Qualifications Examinations / Standardizations Gashuku

– Port Elizabeth Saturday – 09:00


Dan Grading (Japan accreditation included)

  • Shodan     R1050
  • Nidan        R1250
  • Sandan     R1550
  • Yondan     R2150
  • Godan      R2850

National Qualification (Certification included)

  • Judge          R300
  • Examiner   R300
  • Instructor  R300

Standardizations Gashuku

  • Training fee R300 per person